
Here is a (random) list of resources, software, and useful websites. All credits go to the original authors.

Computational electromagnetics packages

MPB (MIT Photonic Bands): Implements the plane-wave expansion method for calculating photonic crystal band structures.

MEEP: Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software used for simulating electromagnetic systems.

Stanford S4: Performs rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) for both 2D and 3D optical multilayer structures.

Inkstone: RCWA: Another RCWA tool for optical multilayer structures.

Legume: Implements guided mode expansion (GME) for photonic crystal slabs.

Optics simulation tools (browser based)

Ray optics simulation: Interactive visualization tool for ray optics phenomena.

Optical multilayer spectrum calculator: Calculates optical spectra for 1D multilayer structures with material dispersion.

Databases and tools

Refractive index database: Comprehensive database of optical constants for various materials.

Scintillator library: Database of scintillator materials used in radiation detection.

X-ray interactions with matter: Resource for understanding X-ray interactions with various materials.

Character tables for point groups: Tables used for symmetry analysis.

Space group diagrams and tables: Detailed crystallographic space group diagrams and tables.

Bilbao crystallographic server: Extensive tools for crystallography and solid state physics research.

NIST DLMF: Standard reference for mathematical functions and their properties.

myHDF5: Web-based platform for interactive viewing of HDF5 files.

Machine learning

PyKAN and KAN Documentation: Implementation and documentation for Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN).

Interactive/visual learning resources

AI/ML (browser based)

Neural network playground

KANvas: Explore Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Physics and math

Waves and oscillations demos (Penn State)

Caltech physics demos

Understanding lasers and fiber optics (a short MIT OCW course)

Video demonstrations in lasers and optics (MIT OCW)

A guide to digital signal processing

The Arcane Algorithm Archive

Complex Analysis: A Visual and Interactive Introduction