Here is a (random) list of resources, software, and useful websites. All credits go to the original authors.
Computational electromagnetics packages
MPB (MIT Photonic Bands): Plane-wave expansion method for photonic crystal band structures
MEEP: Finite-different time domain implementation
Legume: Guided mode expansion method (GME) for photonic crystal slabs
Optics simulation tools (browser based)
Optical multilayer spectrum calculator (includes material dispersion)
Databases and tools
X-ray interactions with matter
Character tables for point groups
Space group diagrams and tables
Bilbao crystallographic server
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Machine learning
Interactive/visual learning resources
AI/ML (browser based)
KANvas: Explore Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
Physics and math
Waves and oscillations demos (Penn State)
Understanding lasers and fiber optics (a short MIT OCW course)
Video demonstrations in lasers and optics (MIT OCW)